Monday, May 28, 2007

Leaving on a Jet Plane again

So, tomorrow I hop on a plane and head out to my new job. My cat will follow in a few months as will some of my stuff. Everything is packed, from boxes to suitcases. I tentatively have an apartment (just waiting on criminal background check results), I have a new cell phone and work clothes. Since 2003, this is approximately the 7th time I have moved, the longest I have lived anywhere it the last four years was on my little island and I was there for almost exactly two years. I would like to be in one place for longer than two years because this is begining to wear me out. I will say that I am not sure that where I am moving will be that place, I hope it is but I am not convinced at this point. I expect to be in my new job for a minimum of three years but more than that I cannot say right now. Hopefully it will be great. I don't expect I will be online very much for the next couple of weeks, it is going to be really hectic for awhile with moving and settling into a new job. However, I am so grateful to have a new job, and a place to live that is my own. So, I'm off and I will be back when time permits.

Friday, May 25, 2007


You know, for a trial lawyer, I don't handle stress particularly well. I am a worrier of the highest order first of all, so I come up with all sorts of horrible scenarios of what could go wrong along the way. 9 times out of 10, nothing goes wrong but I am a worrier. So having to move within 1 week is making me go insane. This week alone, I have changed my car insurance, hopefully rented an apartment (waiting for final approval on that i.e. the credit check), rented a car, gotten a hotel room, I am in the midst of completing my continuing legal education requirements for this year (will be done by Monday), started packing, figured out where to buy a bed in the new location, and a few other things. Doing all of this long distance makes me nervous, moving makes me nervous and so on and so forth. So I am stressed and not sleeping well and not eating well or exercising enough. However, this will pass I know it will and just have to keep saying that to myself for right now.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Oh look I have a blog, who knew

So, I'm back, maybe. Don't get all excited because it may not last. Anyway, I am moving again, finally I have a new job and it is in the mainland U.S. Yay. I am also using this as an opportunity to get back on that whole diet and workout path that I have been avoiding. Is it bad that my two apartment requirements are pet friendly and a fitness center? Anyway, I start the new job in two weeks, providing that I can get everything organized that quickly and hopefully will be around more now that I have a job and things to talk about. So far today, I have hunted apartments, made phonecalls to clear some lawyer registration stuff, and started looking for moving companies. Oh, and managed a 30 minute run and another 30 minute walk. Good stuff, we will see how it goes from here on out.