Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Forgive me for I have sinned

So, I was incredibly upset last night and ended up binge eating. Want to know what I ate? Half a bag of lo-cal popcorn. Yep, that was my binge for the day. I realize it doesn't seem like very much especially since I was under calories for the day but it was completely a binge. I wasn't hungry, I had just eaten dinner, and I ate to medicate myself. I know this, because I tried to stop myself from doing it and couldn't actually stop. I realize that 30 calories (which was about the amount I ate) isn't very much in the grand scale of things, but mentally it felt like a huge step back. My life has been incredibly stressful this year with unemployment and constant moving and I hit my highest weight ever. Now, I am at my lowest weight in years after sort of stablizing myself and I just don't want to screw it up. So, when I binge and I can prove it, I want to catch myself and fix it so it doesn't happen again. Anyway, back to work and moving on past the binge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brava, Kat.