Wednesday, July 14, 2004

The 60 Pound Mark

So, this morning I hit 182.8 on the scale which I am officially calling 60 lbs gone because I can and it is my blog. Especially impressive because yesterday was my rest day and I didn't work out at all. Today on the other hand is going to be an insane workout day, I have already run for 30 minutes (at a faster pace than normal because I can finally breathe), walked for 30 minutes, and lifted weights. This afternoon I am going to go to the stadium with my mom and do stairs for an hour and a half. Yes, thank you, I am totally insane. I think I am always really motivated on wednesdays because I have just taken a day off and I feel like I have been really lazy even though my body definately needs a rest day every week. So, now I am going to go drink a lot of water to hydrate and wait for the cable tv guy who is supposed to fix the reception problem we have been having with the tv recently.

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