My personal journal about my continuing struggle to lose 130 lbs and discover who I really want to be for the rest of my life.
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Resting from the weekend
How was your weekend? Mine was rather exhausting (now there is a shocker) both with physical exercise and going out. Let me see if I can reccap, friday night we ended up just colapsing and not going out anywhere because of exhaustion from the night before and a long day spent in court. Saturday, we had brunch with some friends, went and ran errands and then ran the hash. The hash was an urban run and I would estimate about five miles long with lots of running and some climbing near the end. Then we went to the hash party afterwards until I insisted on going home due to a pounding headache from running so much. I figure that we made it home at about 1 a.m. Sunday, we went over to a friend's house to watch the playoffs and managed to see San Diego snatch defeat from the impending jaws of victory. Oh, and my roommate and I went and looked at apartments for me, I found a two bedroom that I want to rent so cross your fingers and toes that it works out for me. Then, we went and played ultimate frisbee for two hours and then on to sushi. At this point, I need a nap to recover from my weekend. Today, we are going to watch more football at our friend's house, I believe that the Green Bay Packers are playing somebody or other but I am really not sure who, nor do I really care (let me just say that the football team I root for has long since been eliminated from any hope of a playoff spot). So, that is my weekend in a nutshell and now I am off to do work.
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1 comment:
I thought I left a comment, but I seem to have deleted it, (not too blog savvy here). Anywho...wanted to tell you to keep up the good work. I don't think I can run anywhere. I get tired just thinking about it. And to think, you are running uphill! Keep it up!
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