Monday, November 10, 2008

So running seemed like a good idea

This morning I ran for 20 minutes which seemed like a fine idea. However, my legs are exhausted tonight and I was planning on running tomorrow morning as well. It may also have been the fact I then did 25 minutes on the eliptical machine at Level 16, which might not have been a good plan in combination. Anyway, I have tomorrow off to recover a little bit although I am going to get up at my regular time and workout. I know that seems crazy but I do not like breaking my regular routine even though it is a holiday. I have learned over time that I am the kind of anal person who has to stick to an exact routine or it does not happen. I also tend to eat certain meals over and over again because they are easy and I can stick to them. I always have oatmeal for breakfast and roast chicken for lunch during the week and I drink a lot of blueberry smoothies. I realize I missed my food post yesterday because I was at a friend's house for dinner so here is my plan for the week. Pearl Barley Risotto French Chicken in a Pot (basically a chicken cooked in it's own juices, very tasty) Roast Chicken Carrots Roast Sweet Potatoes White Bean Puree with red roasted peppers Artichoke and Lemon Hummus Blueberry and Mango Smoothies with flax seed Oatmeal with cinnamon, splenda, and light soy milk Bananas Pears I am adding flax seed to my diet and specifically my smoothies because it is high in fiber and has some protein as well. I am trying to find natural things I can add to my diet which will up the fiber content and my protein levels. I am also working on making sure that I have a variety of grains to eat which are more wholesome than white rice and that is why I am trying pearl barley (plus it is easy to find at the grocery store). Hopefully all of these foods will give me that energy push I need to keep increasing the intensity of my workouts. I suppose I will know how it is working when I get up tomorrow morning and try to run.

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