I had a short workout this morning, about 20 minutes and then went back to bed for around 30 minutes because I was tired. I got to bed late last night because I did not get home until around 8 pm and it always takes me awhile to unwind and relax. Today should be better because I get to go home right after work. Breakfast and lunch today were pretty standard (I did have two additional cups of coffee at work because I was both cold and tired). As for dinner, I am a little bit over broccoli given the amount I ate yesterday so I am having my old fall back, black beans with couscous. I prefer my couscous with raisins but there are none in my house so I settled for green bell peppers. I just warmed up the black beans and threw in some spinach because I have a ton of spinach which needs to be eaten before it goes bad, however I added too much pepper.
This is the cooking in process and below is the final result. I mixed in the couscous which was not really the best plan but overall it was tasty if a little bit peppery which was a problem.
I have to say that I am continuing to do a pretty decent job on eating my veggies and getting in a fair amount of green and leafy plants. So overall I am pleased with how my meals are going so far.
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