So, for the whole 4 people who read this, you can see that I have changed the template I use for my blog. I was bored, it seemed like a good idea and now my head hurts because I had to change all the colors on the new template. I will probably change more later, but not now because now I am going to go and workout. Enough said.
1 comment:
Well, i guess you now have 5 readers kid. For the other four, I just got the link to this site from the author. Reading the entries and seeing her struggle created more of an emotional reaction in myself than I would have thought possible. I am honored that she trusted me enough to read it, for I have a special link to the author: I am her brother, and recieve far too much credit from her as ace trainer and motivator. Despite what she has written about me let me say she has done all the work herself, has made a life style transition without outside assistance. I don't know that I could have done what she has done in such a short amount of time.
There is so much I want to say about my sister and yet despite my natural tendencies towards over-bearing blow-hardism coupled with my families natural garrulous tendencies I find myself almost speechless. I guess a start is to say how truly and overwhelmingly proud of my sister I am. Fighting the war with one's own body and weight is a very personal battle. People only see the results, or lack of them - never the fight. However, this diary sheds light onto the constant work and diligence her program has required. The effort and sacrifice she has put in is truly inspiring.
I and my sister have had a rough relationship for many years. I was frustrated with her a lot. And though it may have appeared that I was impatient with her because of her weight, it was rather because she was hiding the beautiful, smart and sexy girl I know her to be behind her obesity. I wanted my friends to see her for how I know her, for them to see how funny, smart, and caring she is. And above all else, I wanted for her finally to be happy with herself, to be proud of who she was and all she has accomplished. All this made me angry with her, to the detriment of our relationship. And for that I am truly sorry. Yet, somehow, against all odds, my sister has turned her life around. She has lost over 50 pounds in five months. She slammed the pages shut on her old life and without help started not just a whole new chapter but a whole new book.
Seeing her evolution this spring has been amazing. At the risk of being melodramatic it has been like watching a bird take flight, like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. I see her growing more confident daily, growing happier with herself and with life. There is a bounce in her step that was never there before. She has more work to do and a long road to go (so no slacking on your workouts yet), but she has come so far I don't see how she can do anything but succeed.
So here is to you kid. I brag about you to everyone I know. I am so very, very proud of you.
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