Tuesday, September 07, 2004

An update

I did actually workout last night, after my weekend missing a workout day did not seem like a good idea. I ran for 50 minutes, although I got side cramps and had to add in breaks where I walked for a few minutes, so I figure that total I walked for an additional 30 minutes. I also did my abs and weight exercises. Today is my normal day off and I am taking it as a rest day because I have been so tired for the past couple of days. I do not sleep well in hotels so I always end up feeling worn out when I travel, especially if I stay up late and get up early as I did this weekend. On Saturday, I actually got up at 5 am to catch my flight, on Sunday I got up at 6:50 to workout even though I did not go to sleep until after 11 pm on Saturday. I was also up pretty early on Monday morning, so I was feeling very sleep deprived yesterday evening. Thus, a rest day seemed like a really good idea and I will go back to working out tomorrow. Overall, I am still happy with my food choices over the weekend and I actually managed to workout on both Sunday and Monday which was one of my major goals. I am down to 165 pounds this morning which is a little bit of a loss and means that I lost 1.6 pounds this last week which is excellent given that it was a party weekend. I had fun, but it is good to be home and back on my regular plan and not having to worry about what I will be eating or when I will be able to exercise. So, I am going to go and unpack now and see whether or not I need to do laundry today.

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