Sunday, April 16, 2006

I feel icky

The weekend was pretty decent in terms of food, well Saturday was better than Sunday. Today, I am coming down with a bad cold, sore throat, head hurting, deep desire to crawl back into bed. So, I did what I normally do in such situations, I went to the gym and exercised. I cannot miss work today, we are so low on staff, that bad things would happen if I were not here. So, here I am when what I probably should be doing is crawling into bed and not moving because I feel horrible. I have a salad for lunch and as always the goal is to stay on track for another day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I just found your blog on Fat Fighters. I read through a few of your posts and I'm impressed with your resolve and success. I need to find the same kind of motivation!! I added you to my daily reads for more motivation. :) Best of luck to you!