Wednesday, July 13, 2005

You should work here

Somedays I really love my office. Now it is not just because the secretaries harass me and make me answer phones, or the fact that we have an amazing ability to amuse each other. No, it is for days like today when one co-worker brought in bannanas from her tree and another co-worker brought in home grown avocados. Only my two most favorite fruits in one day. I think if you have read the archives this would be abundantly obvious. Oh, and home grown avocados are a really good thing, trust me on this one fact. Normally, I have an office environment filled with every processed food imaginable but today is not that day. Now, if I could just convince the powers that be to put a treadmill somewhere in the building so I could jog during my lunch hour for stress relief purposes (I'm way too lazy to go back to the gym after I have been there once already), I would be totally set. I think they are going to put in a lunch room instead, sigh. Still, avocados and bannanas in one day, now that is a good day.


Allan said...

Avocados and bananas ? Bowel movements of a race horse. Banana should be a single item, not daily multiples. Avocado is a killer, as guacomole lures its head, leading to nacho chips and mexican tequila. Happens to me all the time. Sounds like the treadmill can easily be replaced by say, walking around without electronic equipment ? You can exercise without toys. All the best, keep the plan going, you are hilarious and pictures of the latest "you" are appreciated. Keeping track of your progress is inspiring...

Bex said...

Hi Kat =)
I love bananas, too. YUM! You're doing great. Keep it up!