Sunday, October 08, 2006

New time zone, new plan

And we're back. Admittedly in an entirely different time zone, location, and continent. I am back in the mainland U.S. (somewhere, never have been big on revealing my exact location), and am begining the job search for a new position now that I am no longer on my tiny little island. The one benefit of unemployment is the ability to work out a lot and revamp my diet. I am already eating less because I am not stressed in the same way and working out for two hours is not nearly as much of a problem. I also started running again today, and I really need to work on my speed because it is just embarassingly slow now. Speed and endurance are my two big goals in terms of fitness right now and both are rather lacking. This morning was all about my 35 minute run (half at 5 mph and half at 5.5 mph) plus an hour and five minutes of walking at an incline. In a minute I am going to take a break from job hunting and get in 15 minutes of sit ups and some extra cardio in between the situps. Tomorrow I am going to dig out the weights I own which are hiding somewhere in the house and get my weight training routinue back up to par as well. I have a lot of work to do in the next few months to get down to a weight that I personally am happy with and to make some additional progress. I am going to hopefully be interviewing soon for jobs and looking good is always a helpful selling point in addition to job skills. Anyway, I'm off to get somethings accomplished now.

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