Thursday, December 01, 2005

Still Going

Today was not a very good workout day. I know why, I did not eat very much dinner last night due to eating too much food at work. This created the end result this morning of having no energy reserves when I was working out and mad me feel slightly sick. However, I noticed a difference and I was thinking about it a lot this morning. The difference was that I kept going at the same level of difficulty, now that may have not been an intelligent move, but there was a time where I would have slowed down or stopped entirely. That time is apparently long gone because now I just work on strategies to keep myself going through the last workday workout. I knew I had a snack in my bag and there was food at work so it was just a question of making it through my workout. It was also a reminder that I need to be careful about my meals and make sure that I am fueling my body properly so I do not have this problem again. However, I kept going and that is a success in of itself.

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