Saturday, December 31, 2005

Welcome to 2006

Happy New Year! I am sitting in my office, waiting to go to court for the weekend magistrate hearings. My goal is to be on my way home by a little after 2 pm if possible. Anyway, after a week of feeling really ill, I managed to sleep through most of New Year's Eve and now I feel much better. I suppose that given today is the start of the new year I should reflect on 2005 and set goals for 2006. Admittedly, 2005 was not a very big success in terms of actual weight loss, in the begining of the year I bounced up to around 170 lbs and managed to fight my way back down to around 156 lbs. I have managed to maintain somewhere between 154 and 156 ever since. This only proves that I can maintain my weightloss but I am not so good on losing more weight. So, that is my goal for 2006, I would like to lose at least another 20 lbs and preferably 40 lbs by January 2007. I have a plan on how I am going to do this, in case you were wondering. It will officially start on January 3, 2006 which is the start of this coming work week. One of the things I proved that I could accomplish over the course of 2005 was going to the gym consistently and working out consistently. I have made huge overall fitness strides but I have been stagnating recently. So, I am going to change my routine a little bit. The biggest problem I have is an inability to eat really perfectly on plan, but I am going to try to be better about it. My plan is as follows: 1. Use the resources around me more efficiently. I have a coworker who teaches classes at my gym every weekend but I never go to those classes because classes freak me out. This is silly. So, starting tuesday I am going to go to her classes. She teaches Tue, Wed, and Thur at 5:45 pm and the gym is 5 minutes from work. I have no excuse for not going on those nights. 2. Maintain my current fitness regiment. I am going to keep going to the gym five days a week for between 90 minutes and 2 hours at 5 am in the morning. It just works for me. I am going to keep lifting some weights at home and doing ab work at home five nights a week. This is what makes it possible for me to keep my weight under 160 lbs. 3. Educate myself and find new inspiration. I am going to buy more fitness books (hopefully today) and keep reading everything I can get my hands on, this helps keep me on track. I am also going to buckle down and start keeping a food and fitness diary again (a paper one). I am going to blog five days a week even if only for five minutes in the morning. 4. Clean out the fridge/ apartment and keep only good food. Today, the apartments will be emptied of pasta and other carbs except for my cereal. All the sugar and butter is being thrown out and there will be no extraneous baking for one month. Baking is my excuse to snack and I am getting rid of excuses. Tomorrow, I am restocking with vegetables, meat, eggs, and soy milk and that is it. I am making a salad for tuesday lunch and I am creating a week of menus at a time. I am going to work on cooking meals on the weekend which are healthy and can be eaten over the work week easily. 5. Take my actual measurements/ weight and post them. Update monthly. I have never really done this and it is time to start. This is information which I will post on Tuesday and then post at the begining of every month. I am debating posting progress pictures but I have not made a decision on that since I have a relatively high profile job and to some extent need to protect my anonmity on this website. 6. Organize my life and limit stress. As long as I am neat, tidy, and organized all of this is easy. When I let stress and disorganization take over it all falls apart. I am going to clean my entire apartment this weekend, get rid of my junk and get organized. I have a lot of junk in closets and a whole room which has turned into nothing but a holding area for non-used items. I am tossing everything I do not use on a weekly basis and all clothing I do not wear anymore. I may even throw out some old shoes (gasp). I may well move in the next year and I might as well get rid of the junk now rather than later. That is my plan for the next month. I am going to re-evaluate every month and see where I am and what I need to alter in my life. Most importantly, this year I am giving myself permission to not be perfect and to only worry about what I can really control in my life. I work in an incredibly stressful environment (especially right now) and I need to recognize that fact. I make decisions everyday which effect other peoples lives, and I am not just saying that to be dramatic. I send people to prison, sometimes for a lot of years, and that is a hard thing. So, this year I am going to acknowledge that stress and not kick myself for the fact that it sometimes overwhelms me and my eating habits. I am going to do the best I can everyday and trust that will be enough. Most of all, this year I am going to acknowledge and give thanks for one simple fact. In the begining of January 2004, I weighed around 242 lbs and wore a size 24. In the begining of January 2006, I weigh around 154 lbs and wear a size 10. The difference is 7 dress sizes and 88 lbs. I did it myself, no personal trainers, no nutrionist, no weight loss support group, no weight loss surgery, nothing but my own drive. Not that a personal trainer, nutrionist, weight loss support group, or weight loss surgery would have been a bad thing mind you, but they weren't involved in this process. Just me, myself, and I. Proof postitive of what I can accomplish when I put my mind to it. Now it is time to see what I can accomplish in 2006, I am looking forward to it already.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kat, you are brave and amazing. You are also an inspiration to me, and I've also cleaned out my apartment and find it helps me to stay on the weight loss and fitness track. Num Num