Thursday, October 09, 2008

Eating out and saying no

I went out to lunch today with CA and our unit's newest lawyer NA. NA wanted to go to Olive Garden so off we went to eat. After perusing the menu for about 10 minutes, I came to a simple realization. There was one thing on the menu which did not involve pasta or bread. One thing, Venetian Apricot Chicken with vegetables. So, I had that, it was tasty but also slightly frustrating. It is hard to go out and find healthy menu items. As it was, there was far too much sauce on the plate, I could have done with about half as much. It was actually healthy and not terribly caloric but still, only one thing on the menu. NA and CA had pasta, but I was not really interested in eating anything with pasta. This is part of the zen of eating I get into once I detox from sugar and flour, I stop having constant cravings for them. It usually takes between 2 and 3 weeks for that to actually happen and stick. I think my new goal is to not deviate from this eating plan unless it is a major holiday or birthday celebration and maybe not even on those occasions. I have discovered that people do not really mind if you say no and refuse food as long as they understand the reason behind the refusal. There is a lot of understanding for answers like "no I can't eat that, sugar makes me feel bad" as opposed to a straight out no. I am working on saying no more. I also realize that this blog is very much about food, probably because exercise is less of an issue for me, yes I am working out everyday and not slacking but food has always been a much bigger hurdle. I think I am finally begin to learn how to manage it after all this time and that is a good thing in my life.

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