Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Okay, three days of running in a row is clearly my limit right now. I developed a minor shin splint today which is fortunately fading away as the day progresses. Still, it is a reminder that I can only push my body so far in any given week and I still need to add in some rest time. I also should have worn flats to work but hindsight is 20/20 and I didn't realize how much my leg was aching until I walked on it on the way into work. Everything else is on track, I even avoided the candy bowl when I went to court. I was amused that I spent lunch talking to CA who was ordering a hamburger on her way to a school presentation while I was sitting there eating carrots and hummus. However, I am taking extra hummus to work for her tomorrow because in proof we were separated at birth (of which there are many examples, we even drive the same car) she loves homemade hummus with the same abiding passion that I do and will appreciate it. Anyway, I am off to feed the cats and make lunch for tomorrow.

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