Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I woke up in the middle of the night to discover that I had two problems: a. A horrible backache and general feeling of ill health b. A small cat attacking my feet and head The first problem I solved with pain medication, unfortunately the second one did not get bored for a good 30 minutes. The result, I am remarkably sleepy today and in need of a good back massage. However, I still went to the gym and put in an obligatory hour of cardio. Actually, my run was really good, I managed to up it to 25 minutes mostly because it felt effortless. Now, that means that I will not have another good run for a long time because this is how my body works. My goal this week is pretty simple, I just want to run everyday for at least fifteen minutes. So far, I am managing to run for about 20 minutes everyday in addition to another 30 minutes on the stairmaster and 10 minutes warmup and cool down. My weight has not budged so I am refusing to pay any attention to the scale for a couple of weeks or I will make myself crazy. Anyway, I have to run and prepare for grand jury and walk the four blocks to court now.

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