Tuesday, June 21, 2005

It is all about the diet

One of the nice things about working out at 5 am is that the gym is pretty empty. Not today, it was completely packed because it was raining outside and one of the aerobics classes was cancelled. Ugh, it meant that I did an hour on the eliptical machine because there were no other free machines. It was still a decent workout and probably good for my body to work out on another machine. More and more, I am having to acknowledge that my workouts either need to become really intense or I need to once again adjust my eating habits. I will probably go with the later option with maybe one day a week where I cheat a little bit, but I have to tell you it is no fun to be getting back on the wagon in terms of eating. This weekend I am going to sit down and workup a meal plan for the next week and then starting on Monday I am going to stick to the eating plan religiously. I know what works for me, I just have to do it. So, here we go again for the 10th or 11th time.

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