Monday, September 12, 2005

The Apple Pie Story

The early afternoon is always the worst time for me. I start getting hungry and end up snacking. Plus, I always eat the actual packed snack I brought and then I am hungry 30 minutes later. Yesterday, one of my co-workers went to McDonalds (oh yes this has the potential to be a bad story) and got four of the apple pie things. Why she got four, I will never know. Anyway, she handed me one and said "Here Kat this is for you." This is an impossible situation, you can't really refuse it and now you are carrying around the fat person equivalent of dietary TNT. At least, if you are me, which I recognize that you are not, anyway moving on. I love all deserts and so when I am on plan I try really hard to stay away from sugar, if I am not eating sugar then I do not miss it but if I eat it, I end up in loads of trouble. So, I spent the next ten minutes wandering around the office carrying a little McDonalds apple pie. I think I came up with 30 reasons to eat it ( I am a lawyer, coming up with reasons is what I do) and very few if any reasons not to eat it. After ten minutes of staring at the pie, I finally got up, walked the twenty feet to the big office trash can and put the pie into it. No, I don't feel better as a result but thanks for asking. As a reward, the scale has put me up a pound to 157 today which only proves that you can't rely on the scale for any real validation.

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