Thursday, November 04, 2004

Me no wanna

So, yesterday I was having a serious case of the "me no wanna's" as I like to call them. Basically, I had to go to aikido and I really did not want to go, and I mean really didn't want to go. Normally, tuesdays are aikido but this tuesday we went hiking for five hours and didn't make it to class. So, I didn't want to go because I knew it would be hard and I would mess up a lot (which can be kind of traumatic if you are a perfectionist like me) plus I had a long day at work. All of these are relatively valid excuses but I knew that I would feel worse if I didn't go due to the guilt about skipping class. So, I went to class and I had a good time. Imagine that, I went and sweated for an hour and a half and got out all my stress from the day and I felt magically better. This happens a lot to me, I have to make myself go to any given athletic activity but I have a really good time once I get there and actually participate. Plus an hour and a half of continuous sweating and raising of my heartrate has to be a good thing in the long run. Further proof that the "me no wanna's" can be overcome by just ignoring them and doing what you know you need to do for your health.

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