Saturday, November 06, 2004

Pretty purple circles

Right now, I think my bruises have bruises. Then again, these things will happen when you climb up a waterfall the wrong way using 0nly a little rope and some help from your fellow hashers (i.e. other crazy people running through the jungle with you). Other then the waterfall it was actually a relatively easy run yesterday and reasonably short as well. Yesterday I also hit 154.5 so I am still slowly inching down the scale, I am fine with the speed of my loss because my muscles are begining to tone up and I can see a measuring tape difference as well. Besides, I would really like to avoid sagging skin, a byproduct often of losing weight too fast. Anyway, this afternoon there is more running around and exercising which should be good for me as well. Right now I need to get dressed and go run some errands around town. It looks like it is going to be a beautiful hot day here in the tropics so I am going to spend a lot of time outside being active.

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