Monday, January 09, 2006


Um, yeah. You may notice that I have changed the title of this blog, it seemed like time. After around two years, 300+ posts, and 88 pounds it just seemed like time. As of today, I am weighing in at 153.5 lbs down from my recorded high of 242 lbs. So, whatever else I am, I am not fat anymore, a little bit overweight yes, fat not really. Entering the new year it seemed like time for the change. This year is all about focusing on fitness and fueling my body correctly, about viewing my life as it really is, and recoginzing where I am in that life, and giving myself credit for what I have accomplished. I am going to stop struggling with the weight and focus more on being fit than being skinny. So, changing the title of the blog is part of that, the journey hasn't changed, just where I am on the road. A former fat girl and a lifelong fit woman, I think I like it.

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