Monday, May 24, 2004

The dreaded grocery store

I should go to the grocery store. I'm not going to do it. I'm tired and I would be very tempted to buy a lot of unecessary food products. I have a golden rule when it comes to the grocery store, never go when tired or hungry. It is too tempting to buy things which one doesn't need because the inner fat girl is making her presence felt and destroying any vestige of impulse control. It is not like I am going to starve, I have tons of frozen chicken at home along with apples and lettuce and eggs. More than enough to get me through dinner tonight and lunch tomorrow by which time the inner fat girl will probably be taking a nap after being out in full force today. Somedays it is about picking one's battles and deciding when not to fight them at all. Today I'm not fighting the grocery store battle and I'm okay with that reality.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your golden rule about grocery shopping. I always eat before I shop; that way, I don't notice the stuff I'd notice if I were hungry.