Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Finally getting off my rear

This morning at about 6:40 am, I finally put my proverbial money where my mouth has been. In other words, I got out of bed and since I was already dressed in workout clothes, I put on my shoes grabbed some keys and went running. I hate running but I have been really slacking on working out so it had to be done. I ran from my apartment complex down to the beach and ran up and down the beach for a few minutes. I estimate that it ended up being only a 20-25 minute run but at least it is a start in the right direction. My plan is to do the same thing tomorrow morning at about the same time and slowly begin working up the length of time that I am running again until it is more like an hour instead of 25 minutes. However, I am not complaining since 25 minutes of running is more exercise than I usually manage on a thursday morning before I head out to work. I should also note that last night I ate only about four pieces of sushi since I ended up not being very hungry. So, I am finally begining to get back on track with exercise and working out which was my goal for this week. This weekend I am apartment hunting, I have a bunch of prospects lined up to look at which seem promising and I am hoping to move in the next week or so if possible.

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