Thursday, January 15, 2009

Community Service Again

Once again this is community service night for me. So, I am working what amounts to an eleven hour day although I do not begrudge the time I am spending volunteering. Partially I suppose it is because the more I work out, the more energy I have in the long run. I am a little tired today because I stayed up late last night (10 pm which is late for me) and I am relying on the energy from my run this morning to get me through the rest of the day. We will see how that works and whether I make it successfully through everything. I did run at 5.5. mph today and while it was not a great run and my legs feel pretty spent, at least I managed to run. I have one more run left this week and hopefully I will accomplish that (unlike last week) with no major issues. I did wear ballet flats to work today to rest my improving ankle and I think that will help as well with running. Food is fine, and I am still staying away from white bread and sugar which is my major concern in terms of my food. I have been a little low on protein so I am going to work on increasing that amount in my diet over the next couple of weeks. I think it is low because I have been eating a lot of vegetable soups and I need to have more chicken and fish in my diet since I am not big on red meat. So, I am keeping going and at least tomorrow is Friday.

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