Thursday, January 01, 2009

True to my word

So, I was up at the crack of dawn this morning just as I said I would be in my post yesterday. Technically it was prior to the crack of dawn because the sun did not come out for another two hours or so. I hauled myself out of my nice warm bed and dragged myself over to the little gym at my apartment complex and on to the treadmill. I ran for 41 minutes which worked out to approximately 3.6 miles in terms of distance. I also managed to run at 5.4 mph for that entire time which was nice since on tuesday and wednesday I only ran for 10 minutes at 5.4 mph and then dropped down to 5.3 mph. Plus, we all know what monday's run was like for me. After running on the treadmill, I walked on it for another 11 minutes to catch my breathe and then I spent 25 minutes on the eliptical machine at level 17 (my normal level). After that, I stretched and came back to my apartment and have been lazing around ever since. Well, I did have a bowl of oatmeal and two cups of coffee and a lot of water but other than that I have been lazing around in yoga pants and a comfy gap t-shirt. In about an hour I have to get ready to go to my friend's investiture ceremony (he just became a judge) and meet one of my friends for lunch. I have no idea what to wear other than knowing jeans are probably not an appropriate choice. However, I am pleased that I managed a long run this morning since there may be a reception type thing and random food this afternoon. Running a 5k distance is something that I am trying to turn into a holiday tradition for the rest of this year and it is a good reminder of how much my fitness has come back over the last three months. I am very pleased with myself that I have not allowed the holidays or vacation days to stop me from working out everyday and I have in fact used them to get in slightly longer workouts than normal. I think I will successfully come through the holiday season without gaining any weight as a result which is very good news for me. Now I just have to get through the rest of the year, one day at a time.

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