Wednesday, July 28, 2004

So very sore and not from exercise

So, the soreness I had from yesterday and the forced hunching over a desk has only increased after the second day of testing. Must take hot shower to make better soon. Anyway, I did actually run for 20 minutes yesterday and walk for another 20 minutes. I am going to try to run for 30 minutes tonight and lift weights which may or may not help my back pain. I absolutely hate exercising in the evening but it is the best option for these three days of exam hell. In other news, I am down to 176 as of this morning and have not gained any stress weight because I have been eating completely normally and getting in some exercise. Now if I can just get through tomorrow I will be a really happy girl. I did note today that virtually all of the other test takers were eating complete crap for lunch, lots of sugary things and chips and I simply don't know how that could fuel you for the six hours of work each day. Okay, I am exhausted so I am going to go eat dinner now and work out and go to bed.

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