Wednesday, August 11, 2004

The joy of exercising in the morning

I always feel ridiculously smug after I have worked out in the morning. I think it must be the knowledge that I don't have to work out again until the next day and that I have sweated off some of the calories that I ate the day before knowing I was going to workout soon. Anyway, today I ran for 50 minutes at a pace of between 4.6 mph and 4.7 mph and managed to prove to myself that I should be running at this speed or faster all the time. I have been slacking off on increasing the difficulty of my cardio workouts recently, I get comfortable and then don't increase the pace. I also walked for 60 minutes, again at a faster pace than I have been walking recently which hopefully helped keep up my heartrate. Then weights for 30 minutes where I increased the repetitions, again something which I have been putting off recently. I am definately getting too comfortable with my workout and when that happens I have to shake everything up so that my body is doing actual work during the exercising, I forget how easy it is to adjust to a certain workout and not really be increasing my fitness level. However, in good news, today I was at 173.8 lbs so I am continuing to lose weight even if my workouts have not been great recently. I am good on food as well, although admitedly I have only had breakfast and a huge glass of water so far today, but I am planning a salad for lunch and either steak or a burger without the bun for dinner so I should be just fine for the rest of the day as well, we shall see how it goes over the course of the afternoon.

1 comment:

betsy said...

I just started reading your blog, and I am so impressed with your drive and motivation! I dont know how you do it, 50 minute run, hour walk and half hour weights? And those stadium stairs you run, unbelievable. I just wanted you to know you have become one of my favorite reads and are quite motivating. Thank you!!!